Thursday, November 18, 2010

History of Internet

White House - Facts

Humor Can Increase Hope

Laughter might be the best medicine for transforming the faintest of glimmers of hope into an eternal spring, research shows that humor may significantly increase a person's level of hope.

The experience of humor can positively influence a person's state of hopefulness, says Texas A&M psychologist David H. Rose.

As part of the study, which appeared in the International Journal of Humor Research, select participants viewed a 15-minute comedy video. Those that viewed the video had statistically significant increases in their scores for hopefulness after watching it as compared with those that did not view the video, Rosen notes.
The finding, he says, is important because it underscores how humor can be a legitimate strategy for relieving stress and maintaining a general sense of well-being while increasing a person's hope. Previous studies have found that as high as 94 percent of people deem lightheartedness as a necessary factor in dealing with difficulties associated with stressful life events, he says.
Rosen says humor may competitively inhibit negative thoughts with positive ones, and in so doing, foster hope in people. Positive emotions, such as those arising from experiencing humor, can stimulate thought and prompt people to discard automatic behavioral responses and pursue more creative paths of thought and action, he explains.

Such a process, Rosen says, could lead to a person experiencing a greater sense of self-worth when dealing with specific problems or stressful events. He says these positive emotions could, in turn, lead to an increase in a person's ability to develop a "plan of attack" for a specific problem as well as increase a person's perceived ability to overcome obstacles in dealing with that problem - two aspects that psychologists believe comprise hope.
During the course of the study, Rosen found that there was little or no relationship between hope and the number of stressors experienced throughout the past month, but did find a relationship between severity of the stressors and a decrease in hope. This suggests that the accumulated severity of recent stressors seem to have more of am impact on hope than the actual number of stressors, he says.

In the study, sense of humor was not only represented as the tendency to display laughter, smiles and other similar responses, but was measured across four factors - humor production, humor as a coping strategy, attitudes toward humorous people and attitudes about humor.

Television - Facts

Mehndi Designs for Eid

INfix - PDF Editor

INfix PDF Editor

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Disappearing Car Door

Winner Of $8.9 - Poker World

 22 Years Old Boy - Winner Of $8.9

"Jonathan Duhamel" is 22 years old, the first Canadian and the first French-speaking champion in the history of the World Series of Poker. In the finals at the Rio hotel-casino in Las Vegas he defeated a U.S. player John Racener.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How to Remove Virus from USB Drive

There are some common virus that can spread and infect your computer through USB drives. These viruses include ‘Ravmon‘, ‘New Folder.exe‘, ‘Orkut is banned‘ and some other common viruses. Most antivirus either do not detect these viruses or do not remove them (just quarantine them).

Here are the things to do if you want to remove these virus from your USB and want to have a virus free flash disk.
When you connect USB with your computer, you will get a window asking you what to do. Choose ‘Cancel‘ here.
  • Open command prompt by typing ‘cmd‘ in Run box (from Start > Run). In the command prompt, write ‘drive letter:‘ and press Enter (let us say your USB is E so you will write E:).
  • Now type ‘dir /w/a‘ and press Enter.
  • This will display a list of files in your flash drive, check if these files are there or not
    • Autorun.inf
    • Ravmon.exe
    • New Folder.exe
    • svchost.exe
    • Heap41a
    or any other exe file which may be suspicious.
  • If any of the above file is there, that means USB is infected by viruses.
  • Type "attrib -r -a -s -h *.*" in command prompt and press Enter. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files.
  • Now just delete the files using the command ‘del filename‘ (forexample, to delete a file with name aaa.exe I will use ‘del aaa.exe‘).
  • Your USB now does not have any suspicious file in it. To be on safe side you can now check it with any antivirus to see if it has any such file.
  • Now remove the drive and plug it again.
Using these methods will keep your usb drive virus free and secure. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Auto ShutDown

You can make your PC shutdown any time you want.
Here are some tricks.
Step 1:
Right click on your desktop and choose "New” and then “shortcuts".
Step 2:

In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",
type in "shutdown -s –t 120" without the quotation marks and click next.
Note: 120 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs+60secs=120secs.
Step 3:
Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.
You can change the icon by right clicking and choosing “properties” > “change icon” > “browse” and then select the icon image.
To terminate:
To make an terminate key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make
the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.

Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 3:00am. Go to “start” > “Run” and type
“at 3:00 shutdown –s” without the quotes.
To terminate:
Type in,
“shutdown –a” without the quotes.
Note: all time are in 24hr, example you would like to shutdown at 7:30pm, you should type
"at 19:30 shutdown -s" without quote

you can use a batch file for that as well it makes it easier to use
just run the batch and enter the time you want it to shutdown. Make a batch file “shutdown.bat” and type in the following code,

@echo off
title Scheduled Shutdown Batch Example by khushifairy
color A
echo Enter Time To Shutdown (example 19:30)
set /p sdowntime=
at % sdowntime % ""shutdown -s -t 00"" >nul
echo Your PC Will Auto Shutdown At % sdowntime %
echo Press Any Key To Exit
pause >nul

also you can add -c "desired message" at the end of the shutdown command
for example,
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "System is going to shutdown"
Using this command you can also schedule your pc to restart
for example,
shutdown -r -t 60 -c "System is going to Restart within 60 secs"

Enjoy... :) 

Clean Up - XP junk

Clean your system TEMP, RECENT, HISTORY, TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES, & PREFETCH files thorugh a simple Batch File.

Copy this Code to Notepad and save it as a batch file, " Cleanup.bat".

Note: Alaways run the file from system desktop.

@echo Off
@Title Ghost Nt Cleaning System File
Echo. Cleaning Prefetch Files
@cd %windir%\prefetch
@del /s /q *.* |echo. >nul
Echo. Cleaning Temprory Files
@cd %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
@del /f /s /q /a s *.* |echo. >nul
@rd /s /q Temp |echo. >nul
@rd /s /q History |echo. >nul
@@MD Temp
@del /s /q *.tmp
@cd %USERPROFILE%\Recent
@del /s /q *.* |echo. >nul
Echo. Please Wait More For Last Cleanup
@del /s /q *.chk |echo. >nul
Echo. Cleanup Sucessfull

Enjoy... :)

Assign password to Guest account

Windows XP contains a guest account (turned off by default in XP Professional) that has the rather unique distinction of not having a password. Not only does the account not have a password, you can't even set one.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to assign a password to the guest account: To apply a Password to the guest account: Using an account with administrative privileges, go to the command prompt (i.e., Start Menu\Run\ and then type "cmd") and enter the following command:
 'Net user guest password'

Now go to Start Menu\control panel\user accounts and activate the guest account if it is not already. You will be able to assign and change its password.... :)

Shortcuts for Windows

[Alt] and [Esc] Switch between running applications
[Alt] and [Tab] Toggle between running applications
[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter
[Alt] and [F4] Quit active application or close current window
[Alt] and [-] Open Control menu for active document
[Alt] and [Spacebar] Open Control menu for active application
[Ctrl] and [Esc] Open Program Menu
[Ctrl] and [F4] Close active document or group windows (does not work with some applications)
[Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow Move cursor forward or back one word
[Ctrl] Up, Down arrow Move cursor forward or back one paragraph
[Ctrl] and X Cut selected text or object(s)
[Ctrl] and C Copy selected text or object(s)
[Ctrl] and V Paste copied text or object(s)
[F1] Open Help for active application
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+E Open Windows Explorer
Windows+F Open Find
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Windows+R Open Run window
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box

3 Euro - funny

Google Translate

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Download link:

Uses of Salt

Uses of Salt

Mankind has been using salt for many centuries, in the course of which we've amassed many uses (some speculate thousands) for this amazing substance -- uses that go far beyond mere seasoning. Here are a few of the more practical ones: 

  • Pick up a dropped egg. If an egg breaks on the kitchen floor, sprinkle salt on the mess and leave it there for 20 minutes. You'll be able to wipe it right up.
  • Soothe a bee sting. Wet the sting right away, then cover it with salt.
  • Eliminate a grease fire. Pour salt on top to smother it. (Never use water on a grease fire.)
  • Clean up oven spills. If food boils over onto the oven floor, sprinkle salt on top to stop smoke and odor from forming. When the oven is cool, it'll be easy to brush away the spot.
  • Set color. If a dye may run, soak the garment for an hour in 1/2 gallon of water to which you've added 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup salt. If rinse water shows color, repeat. This is good for a single-colored fabric or madras. If the item is multicolored, dry-clean it.
  • Kill poison ivy. Add three pounds of salt to a gallon of soapy water. Spray it onto leaves and stems.
  • Make cream whip more easily and egg whites whip faster and higher. Add a pinch of salt.
  • Test for rotten eggs. Put an egg in a cup of water to which you've added two teaspoons of salt. A fresh egg will sink, but one that's iffy will float.
  • Clean the brown spots (from starch) off a non-stick soleplate (the bottom of your iron). Sprinkle salt on a sheet of waxed paper, slide the iron across it, then rub lightly with silver polish.
  • Repel fleas. Wash the doghouse with it.
  • Kill grass growing in cracks in the cement or between patio stones. Sprinkle salt on the grass and pour very hot water over it. Or sprinkle coarse salt on the grass, let stand all day or overnight, then pour hot tap water over it.
  • Clean a glass coffee pot. Fill it with a quarter-cup of table salt and a dozen ice cubes. Swish the mixture around, let it sit for half an hour, fill it with cold water and rinse.
  • Halt the mountain of suds from an overflowing washing machine. Sprinkle salt on the top.
  • Clean artificial flowers. Put them in a bag of salt and shake the bag. Take a look at the color of the salt and you'll see what you've accomplished.
  • Keep windows frost-free. Dip a sponge into salt water and rub it on windows, and they won't frost up even when the mercury dips below 32 degrees; for the same effect on your car's windshield, put salt in a little bag made of cheesecloth, moisten it slightly and rub it on.
  • Clean tarnished copper.Fill a 16-ounce spray bottle with hot white vinegar and three tablespoons of salt. Spray it onto the copper, let it sit briefly, then rub clean. (Don't do this to lacquered copper.)
  • Keep radishes safe in the garden. Salt worms (cutworms) will be repelled if you sprinkle seeds with table salt, then cover with dirt.
  • Clean coffee and tea stains from china cups. Rub them with salt.
  • Keep potatoes and apples from turning brown once they're sliced. Put them in salted cold water.
  • Clean a cutting board. Cover it with bleach and salt, scrub it with a stiff brush, then rinse with very hot water and wipe with a clean cloth. Repeat with each.

Speed Up the Start Menu

Speed Up the Start Menu in Windows XP

The Start Menu usually take a some time to display the list of programs installed. In order to get Windows XP to display the list faster, just follow following steps;

goto Start Menu > Run
type in "regedit"

This will open the registry window.
> ControlPanel
> Desktop

Now, Scroll down in the right panel and double click on "MenuShowDelay".
Change the default value for the menu speed from 400 to a lesser number ( 1 or even 0 ) in the Value Data Box.

Click OK. 
Enjoy.. :)

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